
Goals for the second half of 2014

Sriram S

Here is my mid-year (I know I am off by couple of months) review of my blogging and learning goals for 2014. I will start off with my assessment of the first half of 2014 and then wrap with goals for the remaining four months of this year.

Introduction to VMware Virtual Networking

Sriram S
In the previous blog we saw how Linux supports virtual networking using bridges. VMware vSphere is the most popular hypervisor brand in the world and it is natural that it also supports virtual networking. In fact vSphere supports some very advanced networking functions, that are not available in most of the other hypervisors. Let me introduce the key elements of VMware virtual networking. After reading this blog, I recommend that you read the official guide about virtual networking.

Linux Bridge and Virtual Networking

Sriram S

Software defined networking (SDN) is the current wave sweeping the networking industry. And one of the key enablers of SDN is virtual networking. While SDN and virtual networking are in vogue these days, the support for virtual networking is not a recent development. And Linux bridge has been the pioneer in this regard.

Understanding Virtual Networks

Upcoming technologies like OpenFlow and SDN are altering the networking landscape very quickly. The underlying drivers are Cloud Computing and Virtualization. Servers, Storage and Networking make up the trinity for effective Cloud computing strategy. Servers and Storage Virtualization has helped drive the adoption of flexible cloud services already. Now it is time for Network Virtualization.