Have you come across a situation when you want to continue reading an interesting online article but do not have enough time? Have you felt the need to add a “reminder to read it later” and block out specific time on your calendar? If the answer to these questions is a Yes, then I will show a simple way to do this using Google Calendar.
Before I give a step by step guide to adding a URL to Google Calendar, here are some details about the solution:
If you are reading this, you are probably aware of the importance of productivity. In today’s day and age a boost in productivity can help a long way in our personal and professional lives. Better productivity helps us adapt to expectations from a fast changing world. In this blog I share 4 tools that can help you improve your productivity.
Companies like Google, Facebook and Yahoo generate a large chunk of their revenue from online marketing and advertisement. The revenue from this activity runs into billions of dollars. With large amounts of money involved it is imperative that we are able to track the effectiveness of online marketing and advertising campaigns.