Goals for the second half of 2017

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The customary update about my blogging and learning goals is here.

Status of 2017 first half goals

  1. Enhance my OpenStack install scripts for Newton and Ocata release. Newton release is already out and Ocata should release around May-mid
    • Score: 9/10
    • Status: I completed the scripting for both Newton and Ocata release. The reason for 9 (instead of 10) is that there are 1-2 really minor issues that I need to fix.

Goals for the second half of 2017

I am planning to explore newer aspects of OpenStack along with some completely new technologies in the next 6 months. With that in mind, I am not planning any specific goals for the 2nd half of 2017. However my experience shows that learning is more deep rooted and satisfying if I blog about different topics. Therefore my goal for the second half of 2017 is to write 3 blogs. The exact topics are not known as of today.

I also commit to fixing any errors or bugs in my OpenStack install scripts. The Pike release will sometime around end of August 2017. I will take on a stretch goal to support Pike release install scripts before the end of the year.