Goals for the first half of 2017
First of all a very happy new year to all the readers. The fact that this blog comes more than a month into 2017 should give you hints on what sort of goals I have planned for 2017 first half. I will start with an assessment of the second half of 2016.
Status of 2016 second half goals
- Build and blog about a small OpenStack GUI related idea – this could be 1-2 blogs
- Score: 8/10
- Status: I wrote two blogs related to OpenStack Horizon and shared my code on Github. I rated myself as 8/10 because I could have done better. Both in terms of timing of the blogs and the depth of content I really feel there was scope for improvement.
- Enhance my OpenStack install scripts for Newton release. This release will happen in October
- Score: 0/10
- Status: This work hardly moved an inch.
In the second half of 2016, I released my second book titled “Software Defined Networking with OpenStack”. While I am not happy that I missed the Newton install scripts goal, overall I am pleased with the way the year turned out.
Goals for the first half of 2017
I am going to carry forward a simple goal for several reasons. I want to manage this before June-end that is 5 months away. I need time to explore ideas for yet another book. And finally I am working on some personal projects that will improve my writing skills in general. So here is the only goal for 2017 first half:
- Enhance my OpenStack install scripts for Newton and Ocata release. Newton release is already out and Ocata should release around May-mid.
This is still an aggressive goal - espeacially for Ocata.