Goals for second half of 2016

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It is that time of the year again - time to share my blogging and learning goals for the second half of 2016. Let’s start with a review of the first half of 2016.

Status of 2016 first half goals

  1. Build and blog about a small OpenStack GUI related idea – this could be 1-2 blogs
    • Score: 0/10
    • Status: Technically I have done some ground work but nowhere near what I wanted to be
  2. Release the installation scripts for Liberty release of OpenStack on GitHub
  3. Write a management related blog on LinkedIn
    • Score: 0/10
    • Status:Another easy one. I have no plans to do this and will be abandoning this idea.

This is clearly not what I had planned for. And no excuses for not being able to meet my goals. While I exceeded one of the goals and wrote another blog related to viewing logs using browser, I must admit that I did not execute on my plans properly.

Goals for the second half of 2016

Finally here are my ideas for the second half of 2016.

  1. Build and blog about a small OpenStack GUI related idea – this could be 1-2 blogs
  2. Enhance my OpenStack install scripts for Newton release. This release will happen in October

My second book covers some very interesting and challenging (for me) topics. I foresee that it will continue to keep me busy (happily) so I will have to be more conservative with my goals now. I really hope to be successful with these two goals and other personal/professional plans I have for myself.